Friday, March 27, 2015

Tiny Air

It's wafer thin!
Before I started school (and had a decent job) I bought a new computer. I was advised to do so from someone who was a 4th year and has since graduated. She said, "If there is any tech you need, buy it before you start school because once you start, you will always be broke." I followed her advice, and bought a super stealth Macbook Air. It's tiny and wonderful. When I'm at home I hook it up to a large monitor so I'm not hunching over an 11 inch screen. Although not all the time, but sometimes I hook it up and it's so much easier. Anyway, I was thinking today that I always have my computer with me. It's weird. There are rarely any times when I do not have it on my person. I came up with a few times when I don't have it on me: when I'm grocery shopping, when I go for a walk in a park, uh, when I go to a movie. It took a while to think of times it's not in the same place as I am. This is weird to me. But, my entire academic life is on this tiny computer and it's very easy to carry around. So I guess, why not keep it with me all the time?

1 comment:

  1. Your entire academic life? Sounds like you should be careful with your coffee!
    My brother currently has 760 points and picked all 8 of the elite 8 teams correctly, so all his picks are still live. I'm at 640 and in massive trouble. Had both UNC and Utah as upset picks and they both failed to stick it out at the end of the game.
