Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Paper was Written in Passive Voice (by Zombies)

I'm going to use this trick the next
time I write a paper
This week I got my first graded assignment back for the semester. You may be thinking, "But the semester is over half way finished and you're just now turning in assignments?" Well, kind of. I turned it in a while ago, it takes a couple of weeks to get it graded. Anyway, I got it back. I did just fine! (Even though grades don't matter). And even though I did just fine, one reason I didn't do great is because I have an issue with passive voice. Don't let this be confused with passive aggressive voice, I'm very good at that. No, it's simply passive voice. During my master's program, it was drilled into me to use passive voice. I don't exactly know why, but whatever the case I was never allowed to use "I" in any papers and had to focus on the result, rather than who made it happen. Basically, my writing was rather dry. Now that I am in an education department, the opposite is happening - my professors are asking, requiring, me to use active voice. This is hard, because I have to re-train my brain how on to do this. I often have to go back and switch all of my sentences around once I've finished a paper. This also deletes about half a page because passive voice is just so darn wordy. It is a good exercise, and I'm glad to be able to write in a way that is more to the point and insert my own voice into my papers. However it is also trying sometimes. And annoying when in one week I have three professors tell me not to be so passive.

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