Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lansing Hipster

I can promise you I do NOT look like this
So something interesting happened a few weeks ago. I learned that many of my friends and classmates here at MSU and in Lansing consider me to be a hipster. This is weird for me. When I learned this, I wanted to blurt out, "Have you seen a hipster?!?" Then I kind of started to accept that there might be reasons why they see me this way. I started to scrutinize my appearance, then came up with a list of things. Maybe it's my glasses. (But I actually use my glasses because I can't see without them. And many days I wear contacts). Or maybe it's the bird thing. (But I actually AM a birder, I don't just put birds on things. When I do, 90% of the time I can identify what kind of bird it is. I mean, I used to listen to bird calls on CD so as to learn them better). I ride my bike, and yes, it has a basket on it. (But I wear a helmet when I ride, and it's one of those tech-helmets with a visor. And also my bike has more than one gear). Maybe it's the couple of sweaters I have that look like they are from the 80s. (I have no rationale for this). Or maybe it's because I roll my jeans. (But I do this because it's tiring to have to hem every single pair of pants I own). And, well, maybe it's because I have hot magenta streaks in my hair. (Although I did this because I thought a little color would get me through the rest of the Michigan winter). Whatever it is, I am now a hipster in Lansing.

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