Sunday, March 15, 2015


I knew there was another reason why I liked the television show Girls so much. It's not that I'm embarrassed to admit that I watch it, because I find it rather smart and funny. (Maybe the end of season 2 was kind of weird, and season 3 was starting to get aggravating) but now season 4 is here and it's really quite good. And as I was watching it the other day (because even though it's on Sunday, I rarely get around to it until a few days or sometimes a week later) I noticed that in a scene with Hannah's parents, they were driving a car with a Michigan license plate. Why I didn't realize this before I'm not sure. I remember some mention of her being from the midwest, but I figured it was Minnesota or something. Come to find out - thanks Wikipedia! - that our protagonist, Hannah Horvath, was born and raised in East Lansing!! And her parents are professors at (we can only assume) Michigan State University! This is so brilliant for me. I do promise, however, not to get into any mellow-dramatic story lines while I'm at MSU or start thinking about moving to NYC.

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