Monday, March 23, 2015

Brew Time

I have mentioned our lovely neighbor in a few posts. The day we were moving in, he came over and offered to help, thereby moving all of the heavy furniture with Kevin after we had just driven 4 hours, and I could take breather and move some of the boxes against the walls of our house. He then asked, "do you guys like beer?" because he is a home brewer, and ever since then, we have wanted to take advantage of his knowledge. The time has finally arrived. Home brewing is happening! It's more exciting for Kevin than it is for me, but it is pretty exciting for me to see how excited Kevin gets. (because, it's the little things). The first batch is at our neighbors house, and will get kegged. The second batch is in our second bedroom closet, simmering with hops. This batch will get put into bottles. And speaking of bottles, our kitchen has been somewhat over-run with bottles getting cleaned and prepped for beer. All very exciting. I write boring research papers, Kevin makes beer.

The Kit. The Kit at work. (I hear the bubbles are good.)

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