Thursday, January 1, 2015

Knitting Into 2015

It's the first day of 2015, and I have a feeling it's going to be a good year. We went over to a friend's house last night to celebrate the New Year. She is a 4th year in the HALE program and will be graduating in May. (I find inspiration from her because she did her PhD in 4 years!) It was the perfect type of New Year celebration; relaxing, low-key, good company, with bacon-wrapped dates.

Today, I plan on continuing last night's theme of relaxing, and will likely do some knitting. I took up knitting again right after my fall semester finished because I needed a new hat. You see, I had two winter hats, one that was long enough to cover my ears but was too thin to actually keep my head warm, and a second that was lined with fleece, but too short to cover my ears. It was a dilemma. So I started shopping around for a new hat when I thought to myself, "Wait! I know how to knit!" So I refreshed my knitting skills and started to work. Yesterday I finally finished my hat, and have decided to call it my Bert Hat, because it kind of looks like Bert's head from Bert and Ernie. (I couldn't resist putting a pom-pom on it) Another great thing about starting up knitting again is discovering how many knitting needs I actually have. Apparently in some former life I was an avid knitter. Additionally, I found an old knitting book that I bought years ago and while flipping through the knitting book I found this gem of a pattern. I might just make some leg-warmers instead for winter walking.

Imagine me strutting campus with this awesome vest!

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