Saturday, January 3, 2015

...and, deep breath in

Over the years, I have often said, "I can barely touch my toes." It's just the way I'm built. I've never been very flexible, and my body proportions are not necessarily the best for, say, the sit and reach test that I had to do during junior high. (I still don't really know why we had to do that?) Anyway, this doesn't mean that I haven't completely given up on the art of lengthening my spine. Also over the years, I have tried doing yoga, although never completely got into it. Maybe it was because of the time of day that never fit my schedule, maybe because of the cost, or maybe because there was that one time, when I was 27, that I had a very terrible and embarrassing "intimate noise" escape my body while in a crouched position during the quiet meditative relaxing part of the class session. But it's a new year! So I'm going to try again. This time with the wonders of the internet, I have access to all sorts of online classes for free! That I can do at any time of day that suites me. It's going well so far, although I do often feel like a Cathy cartoon. ACK! I'm stuck in downward dog!! ACK! When is resting pose?! Maybe by the end of the month I'll be able to finally touch my toes without snapping a hamstring. Here's a little drawing I did that sums it up.

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