Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Well Rounded Meal Without Vegetables

Hey look!
I already own this book!
At 7:04pm on Tuesday night, my anxieties about this semester moved me to act. I couldn't take it anymore, and after conferring with a classmate, I dropped my quant class and enrolled in another class. I kept thinking, "Why are you doing this to yourself? Why not just take a required course? Who knows if you'll ever need to run multiple regressions?" Now, imagine me saying this in the voice of Bones, from Star Trek, "For Godsake Emiko! You're a first year PhD student studying higher education, not an agricultural statistician!" I am taking a methods class, which will require me to do more reading and writing. It is also a required course, so I can knock another one of those out of the way. Even better? It uses a book I already own, so no need to spend more money on text books. But you know what is completely priceless? Being able to sleep at night and not have nightmares about statistics. Who needs academic vegetables anyway?

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