Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Night for Play

Spartans almost scoring,
and Rob and I super happy to be at a hockey game
When Kevin is out of town (like now) I find that I work through the evening because, well, sometimes I have nothing else to do. (I mean, before it's Murder She Wrote time). My brain might keep picking up ideas so I keep working on things, tinkering, and puttering around with paper proposals. Yesterday, however, I had to keep a schedule for myself because I went to a hockey game. I grew up watching the Portland Winterhawks, so going to a hockey game here in Michigan was very exciting. I haven't been to one in years. There are two others in my cohort who also like hockey, so we all went out to dinner then to the game. Fortunately, despite MSU having a losing record, we won! And we beat the most hated university in the midwest, Ohio State. Nice job Spartans!

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