Friday, January 16, 2015

Should Have Thought of This Last Week

I should have thought to get organized last week before classes started but I was on a Murder She Wrote bender, so I didn't give myself the time to get my act together. Now that it has begun, I'm trying to figure out the best way to get things done. Last semester I tried something I've never done before. I took all of my notes on my computer. I use an application called Evernote, and I share my notes with my reading group and they share theirs. I found, however, that sometimes I wasn't retaining what I felt I should be, and it also took an extremely long time to read something and take notes on it. Part of that I admit is that I am a very slow reader, but the other part is that I had to keep shifting to my laptop to type. This semester I'm going to go back to writing all of my notes in a spiral notebook. I know, you're thinking, "that's so organic." Anyway, since I'm in a reading group, I'll still use Evernote, and just type them up for everyone in summary, which I've heard is an excellent way to retain! Summarizing! Now I just need to learn how to read a little faster.

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