Monday, November 3, 2014

Shy Birds

Thanks Audubon and Bill Stripling for the photo
I grew up with Scrub Jays. Their call, a little bit of a screech, was part of the background music of my childhood. When I moved to Seattle, I was introduced to Steller's Jays, and was awe struck by their crest and iridescent feathers. Michigan hosts Blue Jays, who also sport a small crest, but have much more variation in their blue and white feathers. I love them. They are loud and vocal, and have several different types of sounds. They mimic, they cry, they call, they chatter. They screech. But they also seem to have a shyness about them. I can hear them (all the time!), however when I try to get close to have a look, they suddenly get really shy and hop way up in the trees and get quiet. I hear them all day long, then... I walk outside to have a look and they disappear.

Why so shy Blue Jay?

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