Friday, November 14, 2014

Pencil Cases. They're not just for First Graders

I've been using an old plastic pencil case for the last few years, and the hinge where the top opens up is always popping off. Also, even though it's pink and it sparkles, because it is plastic it makes a rattling noise when I'm walking with my backpack on. It can be rather annoying. It also makes a loud click when I open and close it, so when I'm in say, my quant class and we're going over a computation and I really want my highlighter, I have to rattle the case out of my bag and then CLICK it open. And the person next to me looks at me funny for two seconds.

So, I decided to get a new pencil case. (And every time I say the words "pencil case" Kevin chuckles a little bit because apparently it's something that only first graders use. He's not alone in this. My classmate saw me get out my pencil case and said, "aren't those for first graders?") I would argue that pencil cases are a very effective way to stay organized. And this new one is far superior to my old one. Not only is it just a tad bit bigger (now I can keep my mini-stapler in there too!) it's soft and won't rattle. AND it accurately describes my state of mind.

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