Wednesday, November 26, 2014

And... Scene.

Tucked inside the syllabus for my Proseminar class was a little diddy about choosing and reading a book and providing a review of said book. Most of us didn't see this bit until we were handed a summary of each book and asked to decide which one we'd like to read. And so, my cohort of 20 was divided into about 6 groups. I chose a book called "Unmaking the Public University." My book group friends and I decided it was a 4 out of 5 star book and we gave it a "suggested read" review. Each group also had to briefly present our summary of the book, and this happened last night. I loved my group. However, two of the 4 of us are performers. (No, not me. I mean, I have had to perform in the past, but those Seattle band days are like a memory and so no more forced performing for me, until now.) So instead of becoming talking heads and reporting out to the rest of the class with a dreaded PowerPoint, we, uh, did a skit. Yes folks, even doctoral students find ways to be creative given the time constraints we have. And I actually think it was less work than creating a PowerPoint and lecturing. I mostly said one paragraph and nodded my head the rest of the time. It was great.

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