Monday, December 1, 2014

Watch Out! His Eyes are Raisins

We have the sweetest neighbors. The first day we arrived in Lansing as we were unloading the truck, a nice young fellow came over and offered to help. He then proceeded to help us unload the remainder of the truck, which was basically over half full with all the heavy furniture. He then asked if we wanted to come over later that evening and try out his beer, because he's a home-brewer. If that's not a Welcome to Lansing, I don't know what is. We often spend Sunday evenings playing board games with them.

Last night, he and his wife stopped by and gave us some homemade cookies. They had been up in Mt. Pleasant, about an hour north of Lansing where they both grew up, making cookies with his Grandma. So they gave us a few, and we promptly scarfed them down. I did capture this quick picture before they were all eaten. And I was also warned that Santa's eyes were raisins, so I plucked those out before I ate his face.

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