Monday, December 1, 2014

Why I Love Murder She Wrote

A few weeks ago, I had an insatiable desire to watch Murder She Wrote. It came on strong, and so I went to my computer and started searching for episodes. For any of you who also have this kind of appetite for late 80s and early 90s murder dramas, you will be glad to learn that ALL TWELVE SEASONS of Murder She Wrote are on Netflix. That's right. Available for your streaming. So this desire wasn't just a one night thing, I've been watching at least 6 episodes a week. And you know what? This show is amazing! I remember watching it as a young teen-ager (ahem, with my mom) but now, it's like an entire new series, with familiar faces.

There are several reasons I love this show, in addition to the crime solving aspect (because you know I can watch back-to-back episodes of Law & Order as well - all of this crime drama addiction I blame on my mom). Here are 7 top reasons: 1) Tom Bosley has the worst, I mean THE WORST Maine accent I have ever heard. And it's so bad, it's good. 2) Jessica Fletcher is so peppy! 3) Jessica confronts anyone who is putting her rights at risk. (See several episodes in Season 3, when she declares, "You are holding us here against our will!" or "You have no right to do this!") 4) Angela Lansbury is super classy 5) Everyone who is guilty of the crime casually confesses to Jessica at the end of every episode 6) I get to see guest stars like Dirk Benedict, Courtney Cox, Leslie Nielsen, Tom Selleck, and more! 7) This show is the best way for me to decompress at the end of the day. I can't put my finger on it, maybe it's the wardrobe of the cast, or the Cabot Cove setting. Whatever it is, I love it.

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