Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Let's Get Crafty!

Here is the first "slide" of my presentation, along with
the handout with my bubble presentation and my theoretical framework
I am almost finished with a big paper - the mini-proposal I have been working on for the last several weeks for my Proseminar class. I am hoping to put it to bed by Saturday so that I can then turn my attention to re-learning all the quantitative lessons that I had to let fall by the way-side. I need to re-learn them because my final exam is on the 12th. However, the paper I am putting to bed this weekend also had a presentation attached to it, which I gave yesterday.

It's not that I hate PowerPoint presentations, it's just that I'm not very good at putting them together. So when I give presentations, I usually like to either stand up with no PowerPoint slides, or do what I like to call, "crafty powerpoints". This is what I chose to do on Tuesday. I just really needed an excuse to get crafty, because the thought of spending more time at my computer trying to lay out a presentation made me pull my hair out. (And speaking of hair, I have found a lot more grey hairs in the last month on my head. I'm not trying to be vain or anything, but this is what is happening.) Anyway, hair pulling. So I decided to make my crafty powerpoint with giant post-it notes. And I cannot tell you how excited I was to find giant post-it notes at the office store!! Pretty cool. Because I love post-its, I use them for everything. I even stick them on my phone to remind myself of things.

The presentation went over well. I made handouts for everyone, and also did a crude survey where everyone got a post-it note. I'll synthesize that data later this week.

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