Friday, October 17, 2014

The Elements of Style

I have a writing coach. No, he's not my husband. His name is Doug, and I've met with him three times. He's wonderful.

One of the great things about being a student in the College of Education are the vast resources available to me. Since starting school, I feel that I have two main objectives (and you've heard them coupled before) reading & writing. I guess there is some arithmetic in there for now. However the main objectives are really reading & writing. Since I can't have a coach to help me speed read, I avail myself to the College writing coach. I, along with other doctoral students, can send Doug papers and he'll review them. Doug is like my personal Strunk and White, he provides me with my Elements of Style. And he always points out my split infinitives. I'm sorry verb, for having my adverbs always cut in line ahead of you! AND, he knows the specific page number of where to find a specific kind of citation in the APA Manual, 6th edition. Even he admitted today, "Yeah, I go a little overboard. Anyway, what I'm referring to can be found on page 62."

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