Monday, October 27, 2014

The Aftermath

Sibling rivalry. That is what Michigan State University and University of Michigan have. The big sibling rivalry game happened over the weekend. I didn't watch it, but my neighbors did, and they celebrated our win until about 3 in the morning. What I have learned about Big 10 sports since arriving in Lansing, is that the biggest rivalry sits between University of Michigan and Ohio State, (Or, rather THE Ohio State University). MSU does have some rivalry with Michigan, but apparently it's nothing compared to the hatred shared between Michigan and Ohio State.

However there is spirit about any big football match here in Lansing. While riding my bike on Sunday, the day after the big game, through campus, I could see the aftermath of the game. So many bags of garbage. But at least they were all tied up and in heaps all over the lawns on campus. I also had the pleasure of riding past an enormous frat house, with a car out front painted in Michigan blue and yellow, burned out and smashed.

While riding back home about 5:30 (after my study group), back through campus, everything was cleaned up. MSU grounds were back to their lovely autumn lawns and leaves. Not only does MSU know how to party, they know how to keep it clean.

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