Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Land Grant University Bouquet

Bought and then promptly eaten
If you don't already know, Michigan State University is a land grant university. There are several benefits of being at a land grant institution. The campus is beautiful (I often see people snapping photos of the changing leaves) there is a diversity of resources, and the enormity of the campus makes me feel like I go to a wholly different land when I get there. One great thing about MSU is that there is a student run organic farm. And it's no small enterprise. They have a bonafide CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. A big one.

Although I haven't signed up for it (I was planning to but learned that it would provide way too much produce for my small household) I do take advantage of the farm stand on campus. It's there every Thursday, and I gotta say, that is some serious quality.

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