Sunday, November 8, 2015


I set a goal of running a half marathon about 5 months ago. Looking back, I realize I started running consistently way back in April, and it was with this post that I made my running into a public goal. Proudly, I can say that I accomplished that goal today. I was beside myself once I finally finished the race, and I felt so awesome and amazed that I actually did it. That I did what I said I would and what I set out to do.

So, the race. It was on a beautiful course in Clarkston, Michigan, which is about an hour from Lansing. One reason we chose this race was because it was mostly nearby, and because it was mostly on trails, not pavement. In addition, we got a long-sleeved "tech shirt," some mac and cheese when we finished the race, and a beer. How awesome! Although, we did have to deal with a terrible live band also at the finish line. My advice for next year would be "no live band." Overall I felt good, and was cruising along at a nice clip. Around mile 9 I started to slow down. I was tired. Then, at mile 10.5 until mile 12, I was angry. Literally angry. The reason for this anger? That mile and a half was filled with uphills and steep downhills, one after another - over and over again. I. Just. Couldn't. I was tiring. I heard myself cursing. I then heard in my head "your little training runs on flat paths did not prepare you for this." But I charged on. I ran a crazy slow 11th mile. (Note, uphills when this gal is so accustomed to the flatlands of mid-Michigan). Then I tried to pick up the pace again for the last mile. It was, uh, hard. But I did it. My goal was to finish in two hours ten minutes. I came close. If it weren't for those darn unexpected hills at the end I would have been right on schedule. I came in at two hours fifteen minutes. Tired, exhilarated, and ready for mac and cheese.

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