Sunday, November 15, 2015


This morning I went for my first run since completing my half marathon. All week I was looking forward to Sunday because I knew that I could take my time, and go wherever I wanted. Even when I woke up this morning I anticipated my run, and couldn't wait to get outside to see what it felt like to just go running, without having to clock a certain number of miles or be hard on myself for being too slow, or only going 3/4 of the distance I had planned. I was also excited to have a Sunday back, and not spend 3 hours preparing for, running, then cooling down from my training routine. Having to spend every Sunday doing that (and then trying to focus after I've completed 10 miles and do homework) was really getting in the way of a normal life lived. This morning, however, I got a taste of what it's like to be super fit and enjoy running. It was beautiful out. Almost all of the trees have dropped their leaves, and the sun was shining through the long sinewy branches of young oaks. Back in July I also started running without headphones; my attempt to try to use running as a way to calm my mind or let it spin around and then empty out. I have found that I am much happier running with just my breathing and my foot-fall. I like having my mind turn on low - and it's also become a way for me to think through ideas, and then those ideas dissolve to become quiet meditations. This morning I had the chance to have a meditation of running, and hold a space during the 5 miles I was out.

Scenes from my run: The community garden is putting up a new super high deer fence, I ran
around the pond just a few blocks from my house, and also discovered a newly built little
lending library in my neighborhood. Stopping to take pictures is a great way to enjoy a run.

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