Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Where the Intern Sits

Last Friday I waltzed into IR, where my assistantship is, like I do every Friday, and flicked on my computer to let it boot-up while I put my bag away, and hung my coat up and checked in with my supervisor. Last Friday, however, I flicked it, but nothing happened. So I pushed the button harder. Nothing. So I unplugged it, and plugged it back in, and jiggled everything. Nothing. After a few more tries I went down the hall to tell my supervisor. Then he emailed the IT guy and as I sat looking at US News magazines the IT guy came in and checked my computer, did the same things I did, and then declared, "the computer is toast." So the quest for another computer ensued. Unfortunately, that quest ended with the Intern Desk.

The weird refrigerator room where the undergrad intern sits, and my cushy yet cluttered office where I sat
for a couple of days until I got a new computer.
Inside the copy room, the microwave room, the mail room, or what I refer to as the "refrigerator room" sits a desk that is used by the undergrad intern. She is only there a few times a week, but I always find it slightly awkward when I go in to make copies, or stand in there for three minutes while my left-overs heat up for lunch. Friday I was that girl - sitting there while others heated up their lunches and stood awkwardly thumb-swiping their phones, or making copies, or just reaching into the room from the door to throw something away because the garbage is just inside the door. It's, weird.

Yesterday my computer was still not replaced, so instead of the refrigerator room, I got bumped to the empty office that belonged to the Director before she retired a couple of months ago. She was a bit of a pack-rat, so I squeezed myself behind the desk and started to work. I admit, it was much better than the intern desk. And it had a nice view from the 3rd floor. By the time I left today, I finally had a new computer and I can't wait to use it when I return next week. And I get two screens now!

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