Monday, November 16, 2015

Progress! Slowly.

P.S. Have I mentioned how much I love the
shape of our bathtub?
We are making progress on the bathroom! Well, Kevin is making much progress on the bathroom! I just take the pictures and offer design advice right now. It feels so good to be able to put things back together after spending so long taking things apart. Now that Kevin is home every weekend because he doesn't have to travel, and I don't have to take two showers a day because of running, we can spend more time on the bathroom remodel. Over the last week, we (and remember, this is the collective "we" but really it's pretty much Kevin) finished plumbing everything, furred out the wall, resealed the window area (some rot from previously poor construction work), put in a new and lovely marble ledge at the window, and started putting up concrete board. The walls are going back up people! I asked today if maybe we might have this done by the end of the year. The answer was, "mmmmmm maybe."

The new marble ledge on the window - we removed the entire window and resealed it, then put the ledge
in. It will go with a marble trim we bought for the walls and also a new threshold at the door.

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