Sunday, November 22, 2015


Given the recent snow, I was surprised that my train ride back to Lansing from Chicago was only an hour behind schedule. And that was due to a frozen switch not even outside the Chicago city limits. With this first snow, my heart did melt a little (or maybe it froze?) because I wasn't internally prepared for this yet. I just couldn't really accept that snow was going to fall here and it might keep on falling until, well, I don't know, maybe April? (heart turned into a pool of water just then). I was reminded, however, that last year we got a little snow and it melted, then we were snow free for about a month. Then it came again right at the end of December and stayed until, well, maybe April? Or maybe it was March.

So while I was in Chicago (not enjoying the conference and deciding to play hooky) my friend from Seattle and former master's advisor shared with me the concept of hygge. It can't really be translated into the English because we don't normally live with 17 hours of darkness apart from Alaska. But it refers to the concept of coziness, togetherness, warmth, community, companionship, etc. I will also add hot cocoa, fuzzy socks, wood stoves, staying in all day and watching back-to-back episodes of Law & Order, and sharing hot soup with a neighbor. Basically, finding joy during dark freezing temperatures. Yes, this is my new mantra for this winter season (even though winter doesn't officially start for another month). I vow to invite hygge into my cold Midwest winter and stir it into my eggnog.

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