Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Impulsive Dolphin

If you can believe it, I started jogging again. I haven't been a jogger since I was, well, I don't really remember. Maybe high school? There were a few times in college I would go. But not really like I am now. I've gone for a run almost every day for the last 6 weeks. It's weird. Something just kind of took hold of me and I started running. Of course, this was not without a slow build up, but now I can run a few miles and still feel great. It all started when I downloaded a little app* on my phone to keep track of how much I move. I always thought people with step counters were kind of weird, but, well, I guess I'm one of those people now. It basically comes down to this: my app gives me a step goal every day and when I reach that goal it gives me a digital confetti parade. I LIVE for this confetti parade. The app also gives me little encouraging messages throughout the day. So, basically, it gives me two things that grad school never will - it helps me get outside with warm encouraging messages, and gives me a confetti parade. After a couple of weeks, I figured I might as well start running for reals.

So, with this momentum, I decided to put an end goal on it. That's right, half-marathon end goal. I'm blogging about this because if I don't do it, then I'll have to blog about not doing it. And if I DO run a half-marathon, then I can blog about that. And we all know which one I'd rather blog about. The race is pretty far away (October) but I think I can continue with this routine of running. Now is the perfect time of year, considering the weather is awesome and I am not completely swamped with school. I also know a couple of people in my cohort who are also runners (one who said he would be doing the full marathon in October, so we can encourage one another) so it will be helpful when I don't think I have time to jog to lean on them for motivation. There you have it. My short little legs are running at least 5 times a week. Weird.

*The app is called Breeze. It also gives you a spirit animal! I am an Impulsive Dolphin.

I couldn't help but include these motivational running quotes.
They don't help me. Only my confetti parade works.

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