Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day Fail

My initial card for V-Day, and I added the
nevermind after hearing the news that we
would in fact, not be together.
In 2013, Kevin was out of town for Valentine's Day. It was the first Valentine's Day we could celebrate together since getting married, and alas, it was not meant to be. In 2014, I looked forward to spending the day with him, but *sigh, I was in Michigan. I came out to Lansing to visit the program that I am now a part of. I remember sitting in the hotel room alone on the 14th of February, thinking about how a future in Michigan might treat us. Needless to say, I was totally freaked out at the time. This year, I was excited to finally spend Valentine's Day together. I'm not particularly a romantic, but I do appreciate the holiday. The folk history of the celebration, and of commemorating the return of spring are things I like to ritualize. And although little is known of THE Saint Valentine himself, I like the memory of imagination associated with courtly love and partnership. I also really like hearts. So, I decided to buy a book for Kevin this year, and I also made him a special card.

Then, on Tuesday, he told me that he had to make an un-planned trip for work, and he would be leaving Friday. That would be Friday the 13th. I actually had to laugh a little, because it just doesn't seem meant to be for he and I to spend this holiday together. And not that we need just this one day to express our love and appreciation to one another, but maybe it's some kind of sign that we are left with the ordinary days of the year to tell each other how much we care for one another. Maybe it's a reminder of the little normalcies that make us work together. Like how I clean the coffee maker and he always sets up the coffee. And so, like last year, I am in Michigan, and Kevin is on the west coast.

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