Thursday, February 5, 2015

Always the Critic

My confession text about a book author
The stack of books that I have to purchase for my classes usually gives me feelings of excitement, and then anxiety. This semester in particular evoked those emotions because the content for each of my classes is so new to me. What do I know about students? What do I know about teaching and learning? Not much. One book in particular for my teaching and learning class has sparked conversation among my classmates and I, particularly about whether the book is worth it or not. Over the last week, we had to read about 200 pages from this book. On the one hand, it was "geez, 200 pages" on the other, it was "200 pages means we'll be done with this book." So, beginning last Thursday, I got to work. We had already read about 100 pages, and therefore had been introduced to some of the core concepts. I was somewhat on the fence about this book - it felt a little wishy-washy, and idealistic. Sure, the author made some good points, but the overall tone of the book just felt, well, like a chummy friend from junior high who I never wanted to hang out with. 50 pages in to my marathon reading, I just couldn't take it anymore. I actually drew a frowny face on one of the pages. Then, I texted my friend Tom because I needed to confide in someone that this book made me cringe. So on Tuesday, as my cohort and I all met for class, I admitted that I was thankful for this book. It provided discourse for my classmates and I, and allowed us to see some different points of view. We don't always have to agree on every reading, and there is something quite wonderful about knowing that we didn't when it came to this book.

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