Friday, February 20, 2015

It's Also Cold in Sudbury

When Kevin is out of town, we Facetime in the evening and catch up on our days. We talk about what we did, I usually gab about school, meetings, being overwhelmed. He talks about mechanical dinosaurs. (Oh how our working lives are so different and so wonderfully complementary!) Yesterday, he texted me in the morning and let me know it was 20 below in Sudbury and would be 30 below on Friday. I looked at the Lansing forecast and it was just a cool 10 below here, so I did feel a little sorry for him. Last night, we couldn't help but talk about the weather and how FRICKIN' FREEZING it is. Actually, it's far below freezing. So Kevin walked me through how insane 30 below is. It doesn't make any logical sense. Then we backed out what a livable temperature would be, and found that there is quite some distance between when it's okay to walk outside and where we are now. Needless to say, the agony of the chill here was no match for how much I laughed last night at the absurdity of extreme cold.

An email from MSU warning students about extreme cold, Kevin walking us through how cold minus 30 is,
and where Sudbury is because I didn't know where it was until last Monday.

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