Monday, October 5, 2015

What They Say About the Goo is True

I'm pretty sure the countdown has begun. T minus 6 weeks until my half-marathon. (This also means that after November 8th I will no longer torture you with posts about running). I'm not obsessing over it or anything. Okay, maybe I am a little. But I admit it does give me something else to obsess over, and when I spread my obsessions out it seems to work better. Because being too obsessed about, say, school, makes me feel anxious, and then anxiety just makes me spiral into a black hole and question what I am doing. So, it's best just to obsess a little because then I take some of my obsessive behavior from one thing and kick it over to another. Another milestone was reached yesterday - ten miles! Double digits! You might be thinking, "Wasn't it kind of a while ago that she did nine? Why did it take her so long to increase by one tiny mile?" Well, I hit a funk. A running funk. I just couldn't get past it. Then I went running with my friend Heather and it really lifted my spirits. Then I just kept on kept-ing on and knew that I needed to bring it to ten. So I'm on schedule to get to thirteen because I usually increase by half a mile each week, or I just do two of the same then increase by a mile every two weeks. Either way, the run was great. I did some things before the run to help prepare:

1) I ate a very large banana
2) I chugged some EmergenC
3) I took two Aleve
4) I slipped a goo in my pocket

I'm not exactly sure what the goo is called, but I call it goo. It's gel energy, basically. Instant caffeine and sugar. I've never tried it, but I have felt myself starting to slip into a tired trot on other runs and so I thought I'd try the goo. What they say about the goo is true. That it will give you "2X ENERGY!!' At almost 8 miles, I sucked down half of one of those goos and not even half a mile later I felt like a wood sprite, flittering around the trail. Then, bam, I was done. Ten miles, yo!

1 comment:

  1. Not to brag or anything, but you do have good genes. Back when I was a runner, ERG was the popular energy drink of the day. I never really got attached to it.
