Monday, October 26, 2015

Small Town Wildlife

I am attempting to fill a new hashtag on Instagram, it is #smalltownwildlife. Right now most of the pictures are mine, and include mostly birds, and a little bunny I saw on campus (who was more interested in munching grass than moving away from me as I approached it for a picture). Another part of my small town wildlife catalogue includes the walks I take in my neighborhood. Although most of my "walks" right now include running, I do try to walk in the evening sometimes, especially since the fall is so nice and the leaves are so crunchy and the sun is so low. Soon a colder season will come, and with it, my inability to walk anywhere without fearing I will break my wrists. (I'm looking into Yaktrax). The other day we went for a little evening stroll, into the little pond park by our house. I really love it there.

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