Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Year of Travel

When we moved to Lansing, we weren't exactly sure what the job market was going to be like. I expected it to be awful, but I'm sometimes a glass half empty kind of gal. Kevin was more optimistic. What ended up happening is that he took a part-time job at the local children's science museum to stay connected to the Lansing community, and then started working as a contracted employee for a national company that travels exhibits. That way he would work at the Lansing job, Impression 5, and also, you know, support me on my meager grad assistant wage by traveling. On the plus side, his traveling job provided great financial support! On the minus side, he was gone a lot. However, those traveling days are over! Having him away from home is exciting for the first 24 hours (I get the bed all to myself! I fling my coat onto the sofa and not hang it up! I eat chips and microwave burritos for dinner!) but then after that it's pretty awful. I tire of eating chips and microwave burritos and I sleep restlessly. I also end up flinging all of my coats and sweaters, and whatever else onto the sofa and then I can't find anything. Fortunately, he's back, and started at Impression 5 full time this week. Yay!

All of the states he visited, including Calgary and Sudbury, Canada. There was even a job in Kalamazoo!

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