Sunday, September 13, 2015

Seriously, Instagram. Just Don't.

I became an Instagram user about a year ago. It was shortly after I decided to break up with Facebook. Well, break up with Facebook like you break up with an old college flame: you keep seeing one another even though you're not "officially" dating anymore. So I don't post to FB but I peruse still every once in a while. Then I forget I'm on Facebook and someone sends me a message and I feel like a jerk because I never respond. But it's only because I'm rarely there! Instagram, however, is so much better for me. It is mostly images, and so much less long diatribes and commentary about current issues or people. Maybe I'm shallow, but I like my social media kind of like my People Magazine. I go to it to distract myself, not feel like I'm reading the opinion piece then the comments section of the NYT (or more realistically, Huffpost).

Recently, however, during my Instagram thumb swipes, I've slowly been experiencing tiny passion-heart cuts because a lot of my peeps on Instagram who still live in the Northwest have all, for some reason, been camping in the NW and posting the most amazing pictures. My heart is bursting for all that NW rainforest beauty and then breaking! I'll have to visit the Upper Peninsula soon and post my own beautiful landscape Instagrams, because I'm seriously missing the OlyPen landscape right now.

Look how beautiful this place is!!!!

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