Friday, September 25, 2015

A $200+ Book

Last fall, my supervisor for my assistantship and I worked together on writing a chapter for a book. It was an incredibly interesting process for me, having never written with someone else on an academic level. I've written a lot of grants with people, and I totally have that down, but writing a book chapter?? Especially on a subject matter I know nothing about? Jim and I started by talking and talking and talking. I'm not completely sure if he intuited that I am an auditory learner, or if he just prefers talking through ideas, but whatever the case, it worked for me. I remember many times meeting with him over coffee to talk about how we were going to tackle this. And then I had to start writing. After only knowing him a couple of months I had to send him an email saying that I wrote a lot but basically I think it's crap and I've been overthinking the entire thing. He responded with a "you're doing great" and "you're not the only one to over-think these things." Who knew academia could also be kind and forgiving? When Jim added in his sections, I then took it back and started copy editing. And as I read it I remember thinking, "these words sound familiar..." which means that a lot of what I wrote didn't completely get deleted! He kept it in, which was very exciting for me. (Unlike what I would do sometimes with grants, delete and rewrite). I learned a lot about international higher education through this process, and I'm very excited to share that the book has been published. And it's really expensive. Must be a Euro thing. Here's the website for the publisher and the book details so you can see what exactly we did.

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