Friday, July 10, 2015

Things Learned from Running

The awesome GPS map I get
after I run
I went for my longest run this week, 6 miles. I haven't run 6 miles without stopping since I was 18. Seriously. And now, as an adult, and starting a routine of running about 4 times a week, I've come to notice and learn a lot of things. Here's what I've learned so far:

1) Rest days are important. When I first started jogging I was doing it almost every day. I was having a hard time upping my mileage, but then I realized "Maybe I need to rest?" And yep, I can now up my mileage. I just wasn't giving myself time to recover.

2) Slow and steady. I am a slow runner. And I increase my distance very slowly. And that's okay with me.

3) It's the little things that encourage me. On one run, I had a woman give me a thumbs up, another woman say "keep going!", lots of smiles from other runners, and a little girl running down the side walk too and she looked at me and said, "We're running here!!" THAT made me get through the final mile.

4) I run like T-Rex. Like T-Rex treading water, and a head like an open trap-door. I AM working on my form. But T-Rex is basically how I run. T-Rex treading water.

5) The first 100 meters is the worst part.

6) I've gotten to know my new neighborhood really well, because that is where I run, in the Groesbeck neighborhood. I also know all of the little cracks and bumps in the sidewalks. Which is also why I've learned that running in the road is better.

7) GPS watches make everything better. I was using my phone for a long time, and it was strapped to my arm. And I was also listening to podcasts while I ran. But then it began to get cumbersome, and my ear-puds kept falling out (sweat) and the cords were swinging all around. So, I invested in a GPS watch made for running. (Thanks random 20% off coupon from REI!) It is awesome. And now, I can listen to my breathing, let my thoughts fly, and let my watch do all the tracking.

8) The last mile is the worst part.

9) Running in the morning is not my friend. But I will continue to try to make this a time to run because once school starts and the days get shorter in the fall, I am afraid I won't be as eager to run in the afternoon. I'll also have the excuse of too much work to do.

10) If I don't think too much about it, I can do it.

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