Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lansing, MI - Where Dreams Come True

Here's our house! Coincidentally, I've always wanted
to own a home with a red door.
I never thought I would be saying this, or rather, writing this, but we are buying a house. Yes, Kevin and I buying a house. I've waited to write this post because of my own anxiety during the whole process. And it's been a process. (I won't go into detail about the jerk we were working with at a certain bank here in Lansing to get a home loan. But he was a jerk. Fortunately, we found another woman and she' been awesome). Next Monday, on July 13th, we close! Wow! I never thought I would be buying a house, much less in Lansing, MI.

When I first moved here, it wasn't that I was trying to find things about the place to like (well, maybe I was a little) but I was also trying to discover the little wonderful things about living in Michigan. After several months (and a lot of snow) I remember taking the plane back to Lansing from a trip in the spring, and I actually couldn't wait to get back. I've come to really like my little town here. I've settled in, you could say. The other thing that is really great about this part of the country is that it's so reasonable to live here. Most of my adult life I've lived in Seattle, which means that I've always lived in a city that was too expensive for me. I admit, it just felt normal. But now that I'm here, I realize, "Wow, not every place is crazy expensive." And, it's actually better to buy a house here - we'll be paying less per month as home buyers than as renters. Kind of awesome. So the packing has begun, and we sign the paperwork next Monday. Good thing I found a list of things to do when we moved to Lansing. I just updated that list to, "Moving to MY house."

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see it! Three more weeks and I will be done with my cross country journey.
