Thursday, April 2, 2015

Back in the Saddle

Look how happy my bike is to be parked
next to a whole bunch of other bike friends!
The weather has been really great here in Lansing, particularly on days I need to get to campus. On Monday I rode my bike for the first time this year, and it was something wonderful. I would have ridden sooner, but I've been dealing with being sick for the last few weeks (yes, you read that correctly, the last few weeks) and finally mustered up the energy to get on my bike this week. Having ridden so much last year I shouldn't have been surprised at how much I had memorized all the bumps and cracks in the roads. Michigan is known for a lot of great things, but the quality of the roads it is not. Anyway, there are quite a few parts on my commute where a little swerve here and nudge of the handlebars there prevents an overly bumpy ride. And as I was biking, and the sun was shining, and I was wearing both gloves and sunglasses, I made out the faintest squeal of delight coming from my bike. It was a lovely reunion on Monday, and I'm so glad to be able to spend the next couple of seasons taking good care of my most favorite travel companion.

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