Monday, December 7, 2015

The Committee(s)

During the second year of my program, one of the tasks I need to do is form a guidance committee. The HALE program requires a guidance committee and a dissertation committee, although these tend to be one and the same. However, I need to treat them somewhat differently until I have fully established who will be on my dissertation committee. I don't completely understand the purpose of having two committees, particularly because most people say "it's all the same." They do serve different purposes. The guidance committee is involved in directing me in what courses I need to take to bolster my knowledge in areas that will be necessary for me to write a dissertation. The dissertation committee reads and reviews my dissertation, and also tells me if I am lacking in certain areas so I can either 1) take another course or 2) read more books. As I said, I'm not completely sure of the formula. My advisor said, "well, you'll need to be be vague enough but also have some details when putting together the guidance committee. So give yourself some wiggle room, while also having some focus." I just stared at him after he said this. And then we both kind of laughed. Although mine was more nervous laughter.

Regardless of what a guidance committee actually is (a dissertation committee in disguise, perhaps?) I have finished forming mine! This is very exciting, because now it means I get to see what people really think about my research ideas. There are a total of four people on my committee, and I chose them based on their areas of interest. There are two areas that I am particularly interested in, of which I will be focusing for my dissertation (that specific topic has yet to be determined). These two areas are faculty, and organizational change. My committee, thus, brings these two areas of expertise with them and I'm very excited to pick their brains about how to proceed with my coursework and also some big dissertation ideas. We won't be meeting until early next year, but I'm so glad to have my committee formed. One baby step closer.
Thanks PhD comics.

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