Saturday, June 6, 2015

Notebook Gems

Last month, when I went to Chicago to visit some old friends, I may have mentioned that one of them has two kids, two little girls to be specific. The oldest is about two years old, and really just wanted to play with me the entire time I was visiting with her parents. I indulged her at some points during my dinner visit, but not completely. She did, however, find my small canvas bag that I used to carry my summer class readings and other work. Once she found this bag, she took out one of my notebooks and then without me knowing proceeded to draw and color inside of it. Fortunately, this was a newish notebook, one I was going to use for a project I am working on this summer. I say fortunately because she had many many blank pages to add her little flourishes to. No one realized until the middle of dinner that she had been scribbling away and putting stickers inside my notebook, and once we did I found it so humorous that I insisted she continue her work. I also imagined me taking notes inside of this notebook and, possibly, during a meeting with faculty or whatever, me flipping open to a new page and revealing that the page was full of stickers. I'll add here that I decided to use this notebook instead for a class, and not for a public project. I can also guess that as I fill this notebook up, the little gems of stickers and color crayon drawings will delight me every time I stumble upon a page filled with them. Like the delight I had this morning when I found all of these panda stickers.

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