Sunday, May 8, 2016

Long List of To Do

Now that summer is officially here, or rather, I should say, the end of spring semester, I can turn my attention to my to do list of projects, readings, papers I want to spend more time on, and relaxing. I have been keeping track in my mind all the things on my to do list, but I haven't gotten around to writing it all down yet, so I thought I'd use this space to do it now.

Read Patricia Hill Collins. I just bought one of her books and this will definitely be read this summer. I have a very long plane ride coming up where I have lots of time to read this book, and other recommendations and writings from friends.
Sew. I have a pattern for a spiffy shirt that I bought before I moved to Lansing. I have this beautiful light weight fabric with a really cool print on it just waiting to be sewn. I even have muslin to trace the pattern out on after I fit it my size. This may or may not get done.
Finish my article. I have a manuscript that needs to get finished. My goal was to have it done before May 15th. I now realize May 15th is, uh, a week away. It could still happen. Maybe.
Begin case study research (contingent). This to do list is contingent on me getting permission from the group I want to do the research project on. There are some pre-steps I need to take first (like, well, emailing them) and also writing up some questions/thoughts. But I'll keep you posted on this project.
Run. I'll definitely keep running. This is a no brainer, but I do need to write it down.
Hike. There are some really great places in Michigan that I have yet to discover, and I'd love to even just go on a trail hike some time soon. I'm pretty sure I can make this happen. Covered in bug spray.
Write write write. I need to write, and journal about my ideas, what I want to do my dissertation on, what is important to me, how I ask questions, ask my own questions, and really become comfortable with my research identity and my life as a grad student who does research. I'm getting there. I already have a journal started, I just need to fill it up.

Maybe this seems ambitious. But at least it's something to aim for. And I do have priorities for my list, although I think what I've got so far is a good balance of what I want to learn personally, and also include some of my crafty stuff, and also (gulp) get ready for my final year of classes. And the daunting task of deciding on a dissertation topic.

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