Monday, May 16, 2016

75th Place and 3rd of all Kevins

There were a lot of people.
Over the past weekend we did our 10K in Grand Rapids. It was great! Well, except that we arrived with not quite enough time to spare. A long line at the bathroom, then checking in and some other little parking mis-haps meant that I ran out to the start line right as they shot the blast off go gun, and Kevin didn't get to the start line until 10 minutes after the start. Neither of us really considered that this race was really quite large. And so many people meant for me, and especially Kevin, that we had to jockey around so many others in order to finally find our own stride. It's not that I'm an extremely fast runner, but I have learned my lesson to get to the start line way before the start signal so I can get in with my pace group. There is nothing worse than weaving in and out of people, running up on sidewalks and squeezing past people to finally, at mile 2.5, get to others who run around the same pace I do. However, with all that weaving and slowing down and speeding up, I was actually running much faster than usual, and when I crossed the finish line and hit stop on my watch it flashed "Fastest 10K! New Record!" I was surprised! It was awesome! I was jamming! When it was all said and done, I came in 75th in my age group (35 - 40) and Kevin came in 114th overall out of 3,332 and 9th in his division (40 - 44). He also came in 3rd of all the Kevins who were running that day. We did really well! And I came in under an hour! Take that 6.2 miles!