Monday, May 30, 2016

Backyard Frontyard Yardwork

The past couple of weekends we have been out in the backyard, digging up dirt, planting new things, and making plans for how to revive parts of the landscape around our house. We went to a nursery east of Lansing, called Van Etta's to pick up some plants for the front yard area, and also see about putting in some new plants along our back fence. Additionally, we needed to reorganize our back deck because summer is finally here! Which means sitting outside now while a breeze is still around before I get eaten alive by mosquitoes. So, we redid parts of the front area, pulled all weeds and random volunteer plants along the side fence, mulched, and threw more sod we dug up onto the cardboard that we are using to re-landscape parts of the yard so it's not just all grass. It's coming along, and soon we'll have even more new plantings once all the sod is gone.

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