Monday, March 7, 2016

A Weekend of... No Bathroom Projects

This last weekend was a first in many weekends. With the tub being reglazed on Friday morning, there wasn't much to do in our bathroom. No tiling (check, it's done) no grouting (check, it's done) and can't calk yet (tub is drying). All that was left was to go for a wintry walk in the woods with snow. We did this in part because it's been a while since we went for a nature walk, and also because we were getting kind of high off the fumes from the tub refinishing. Indulge me now, while I discuss the weather.
Lake Lansing Park with snowy trails

Last winter was my first winter here in Michigan. And although it was considered a mild winter compared to the previous year (google "Michigan winter 2014" and many images of a massive ice storm will appear) it was still a major adjustment for me. I felt trapped in my house and blogged more than once that I felt trapped in my house because walking two blocks to the bus stop proved dangerous to my fanny due to falling. This year didn't seem so bad. All I hoped for was just clear roads. Clear sidewalks. It can snow, that's fine, but it needs to leave in a reasonable time (like, within 48 hours it should start melting) so that I can walk around and not fear I might break my wrists as I fall to the ground. And indeed, this year the weather has answered my request! There has so far been a fair amount of snow, but it all seems to be behaving pretty well. Doesn't clog sidewalks, or roads. And it's been warmer, so our walk in the woods on Friday afternoon was really quite pleasant, unlike a year ago when we walked through the woods in very chilly temperatures.

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