Monday, February 8, 2016

Paczki Day!

Roma Bakery. Where the Paczki magic happens.
Forget about Fat Tuesday. It's Paczki Day! I seem to have missed Paczki Day last year, unaware that the Midwest celebrates such a day. That paczkis are so similar to donuts I'm not entirely sure how I missed this, but I did. Not this year! The Midwest is abuzz with paczkis, a delicious pastry that is made using grain alcohol. And they are so delicious! Filled with fruit, cream, chocolate, all so good. There are a few pockets around the US, mostly in the Midwest, and around Philadelphia and New Jersey that are accustomed to these wonderful pastries, due to the large Polish populations. Despite Lansing being somewhat of a cultural food wasteland, I do love the paczkis, and there is a particular bakery that does it just right. It's these little things that make the Midwest a lovely place to live.

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