Saturday, May 2, 2015

As A Tourist (Washington DC Post 2)

I had some time at the end of my trip to Washington to take in some of the sites. One thing I didn't do, however, was check the hours for the many free museums along the National Mall. I've been to these museums many times, and so on this trip I decided to hit the Newseum, having heard a lot of good things about it. So at about 3:30pm I left the AAU, went to my hotel to change into play clothes, and walked down to the Mall. It was a beautiful day! So, as I do when I'm traveling alone, I walk. And walk. And walk and walk and walk. And forget about what I may have planned to do. And so I ended up at the Washington Monument. I kept walking and almost made it to the WWII Monument, when I decided that my feet kind of hurt (I did not bring my walking shoes, for reasons I'm not sure of) and sat down for a bit. Then I decided to make my way back towards the Capital Building. And as I walked past some of the Smithsonian Museums, I thought "Maybe I'll just pop inside and take a quick picture of a diorama for Kevin." I noticed the sign on the outside that said the Museum closed at 5:30, so I checked the time, and it was....5:24. I'm not completely sure where the time went, but that is when I learned that the Newseum I had planned to visit closed at 5pm. Along with many of the others. I took in more sites. My feet hurt, I sat down. I made my way to the American Art Museum (it closed at 7pm) and found a lovely folk art display. It was about this time that I started to realize my feet were really tired, and I was hungry. So, per a recommendation from a friend, I went to a great little Asian Cafe and had myself some delicious Bento. A full stomach and a short half a mile back to the hotel and I tucked myself into bed, ready to head home the next day.

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