Monday, December 19, 2016

Unseen Progress

We have been making progress on the kitchen! (As always, by "we" I mean Kevin). The progress we are making, however, is not always visible. But some big steps have taken place and I am very excited because it means more baby steps to a finished kitchen. Almost all of the electrical on one side of the kitchen is done. We've added a new switch for the ceiling light, and a few new outlets in the new half partition wall. Also, a new switch that toggles with the kitchen light is near the side door now. Of course, none of this can really be "seen" because it is all running through the studs, and it doesn't feel like anything is happening because nothing has been removed or destroyed or sanded or refurbed. But, things are happening, very important things. Like being able to turn on lights and fixing the super crappy confusing job of previous electrical work done in the house. Moreover, the handiness of Kevin never ceases to amaze me. I am in awe of his ability to figure things out and, you know, rebuild a wall and put electrical in there. Or patch in hardwood floors. Soon, I'll get to be amazed again when he redoes the plumbing on the other side of the kitchen and puts in the rest of the electrical there. He has some serious handy-man skillz. And as I always say, if this PhD thing doesn't work out, I'm seriously going to consider us opening a business to remodel houses. His ability to rework and renovate with my sense of aesthetic might make us unstoppable. Or at least possibly have a small modest business for ourselves.
Kevin acquired a lot of old books on house fixing upping, and inside one on electrical and wiring
was a chart written by his dad when he was doing the electrical work in the house Kevin grew
up in. Kevin's is on the right, the grid he created to know which wire goes where, his dad's
hand-drawn grid for the old Connecticut house on the left.
I love that we found the drawing from his dad.

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