Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Still (Barely) Running

It has been a long winter here in Michigan. Technically, it's spring, but last weekend we got 4 inches of snow. (I bite my thumb at thee Michigan weather!) During this long slog, I went to the gym to continue my running routine. January and February were good months for this; I went three times a week and ran on a treadmill. Admittedly, running on a treadmill is not very exciting for me. I thought it would be really great, listen to some podcasts, watch some TV. But it is actually kind of awful. I run much slower on a treadmill, and get tired more quickly. I have to force myself not to stop after 2 miles out of sheer boredom. The longest I've run is 4 miles. It was painful. Then, March hit, and the weather seemed to be getting a little better, which is to say, no snow on the ground. But it was so dark and cold. I went out a few times in the coldest weather, and almost lost my nose to frostbite. Even my face mask wasn't quite enough. And I didn't go to the gym nearly as often. Lazy habits and going deeper into the semester started to set in.

Alas, I must get going again because I've signed up to do a 10k in the middle of May. It is almost exactly a month away. Can I run 6 miles right now? NO. Can I run 3-4? YES! Can I ramp it up to run 6.2 come May 16th? INDEED! Off I go!
Scenes from winter running: Heather and I running in 28 degree weather; the TREADMILL;
a mostly cloudy almost freezing run; Yaktrax in the snow run.

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