Friday, January 8, 2016

Not Ready

And so it goes, a new semester is upon me and I have that sinking feeling that I am not ready yet. After a semester ends, I have to spend a few days trying to figure out what to do with myself. This last time it ended with painting a wall and making coasters. However what I did not provide enough time for was the great unactivity of zoning out. Before each semester begins, I have that sinking feeling that I didn't spend enough time zoning out, you know, vegging out in front of the TV or staring at a wall, or taking three naps a day. I guess I could say I did watch paint dry. And now I have this desire to lay on the couch and watch every new Netflix series available, then find that one TV channel that will always offer me a crime drama with back to back episodes. As an aside, if anyone can tell me where to find Monk, I would greatly appreciate it.

In truth, I probably did provide enough time for zoning out. However I still feel that I am not ready for the new semester to begin. For sure, there are a lot of reasons why I don't feel ready, or actually don't want the semester to begin, apart from not having zone-out time: I'd rather be back on Maui, I'd rather be sitting at my sewing machine, I'd rather be re-organizing my poetry books, and seriously, I'd rather be tiling my bathroom. Yet here I am, the semester starts next week and I have a Monday afternoon class. Here's to binge-watching turning into binge-reading.

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