Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Confession Time: Motivation

This is the third week of the spring semester, and I feel, well, totally unmotivated. I've been thinking about this a lot and think I know why. I may have become more subjective since the new semester started. When I was a brand new student everything was new, and so it was exciting. Now that my brain has been filled with the "wisdom" (or gossip) of further-along students and I've also had more interactions with professors, I find that I come to class with an already formed idea of what should or what will go on. This isn't helpful. I've been reflecting on this a lot and have come to realize that I'm spending more energy battling my perspective against my professors perspective or teaching style (yes, two of my three classes are frustrating for me right now). Hence, I'm not allowing time for learning, and for investing in the ideas that I want to pursue. My hope is that by the end of this week I'll have put this stuff behind me. It's distracting, and it makes me less able to learn because I'm focused on how I feel about people, or how they feel about me, which can be an endless cycle. Put simply, I'm having trouble "liking" my professors right now, and sooner or later I'm going to have to come to terms with the fact that it doesn't matter if I "like" them because I will learn from them. And they certainly have a wealth of knowledge that I'd love to learn from.

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