Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Personal Space

It's been exactly two months since I arrived here in Lansing. The house is mostly put together, there is one room that is the "just put it in the back room" room. Two nights ago I did try to get it to some state of livability, but I ended up just taking everything out and then putting it all back in.  Then I closed the door.

The rest of the house is home. Coming to a new place, a new land and a completely different landscape (and time zone) altered my sense of self and place. I always believed that having a sense of place was important, however I don't know that I've ever experienced being place-less like I did when I came to Michigan. So putting the house together was a top priority. I need those nooks and crannies, and sides of the bed, and curated bookshelves, and "we keep the mugs to the right of the sink on the second shelf". We're making little personal spaces for ourselves here. Mine mostly consist of stacks of books on flat surfaces. It is home, nonetheless.

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