Thursday, August 18, 2016

To Do List Update

Well, the summer is almost over. The semester has officially begun, although classes don't start until August 31st. When the semester starts it just means that assistantships start, which means that I've begun work in the assistant dean's office in the College of Education. (I'm very excited about this! More on that later). I'm recalling that I made a to-do list at the beginning of the summer. And since I obviously haven't been keeping up with my blogposting as much as I hoped, I felt a good place to start after a two week hiatus from posting was checking in with that to-do list. Let's begin:

Read Patricia Hill Collins. I did not read this book. I have a copy, but I didn't even crack it open. Instead, I read a book called American Higher Education, Leadership, and Policy: Critical Issues and the Public Good by Penny Pasque. I know, it sounds amazing, right? It's actually quite good. I read it because it provides a really good example of research design. And since I was going to be doing an observation over the summer, (and that is how the author performs her research for the book) I wanted to get a really good grounding in how someone else does it.
Sew. Uh, Nope. Didn't do it. Didn't even wash the fabric or iron it.
Finish my article. YES! I did this! And I submitted it! I submitted it in late July, and good news, is that it wasn't flat out rejected at the editorial desk. This means it is currently under review by reviewers at the journal. Hopefully in a few months I'll get an answer. So, what I hope for is something called a Revise and Resubmit, or R&R. This means that they give me all this feedback, and tell me everything that is wrong with it, and tell me how to fix it, and then I fix it, and then they might do that again, and then it gets published. If I don't get an R&R, then I'll get a flat out reject. Even with a reject, I'll get feedback, which means I can make adjustments and submit it to another journal. But, good vibes for an R&R. That's what I want.
Begin Case Study Research. Yep! Did that! Read this post.
Run. YES! I ran. I ran in Paris. I ran in Amsterdam. I ran in Maastricht. I ran in Lansing! I just ran yesterday! Still running. I'm signed up for a little 5k and a 10k in September. Little legs are still churning.
Hike. AWWW YEAH!!! Big backpacking trip happened last week. Stay tuned for the post soon.
Write write write. I did do some writing. I finished the article, and I have been doing some writing for my dissertation ideas and epistemology statement. I am also working on two other projects that require writing outside of coursework (because publish publish publish) and although I haven't made a lot of headway, I have made some.

All in all, not bad. :)

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